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Twitter Ads Basic


Embark on your brand's journey with cutting-edge ads designed for the web and mobile. Our service sets up your campaign and delivers 10 innovative banners every month. Gain full access to our exclusive social media dashboard, with no setup fees and the freedom to cancel anytime.


  • -Access to proprietary social media dashboard
  • - Campaign setup and management on Twitter
  • -10 Banners per month.
  • -Ad Spent Upto $2000/month
  • -Weekly reports
  • -Monthly Social Media performance reports

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    • Social media assessment: We audit your client's social media profiles and give initial recommendations to improve their visibility.
    • Social media Setup: Account creation and setting up the dashboard, the tone of voice to use, the products / service to talk about, and the brand persona will be established here based on the answers to the initial questionnaire.
    • Social media content plan: This includes writing of the Ad Copies, approval, working out the content roadmap.
    • Account monitoring: Your account will be monitored on daily basis to maximize the results
    • Performance insights: Weekly and Monthly social media performance reports are sent out to keep you informed about the work done and results weve achieved.


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